Three pieces here one all linked by my love of the galaxys greatest comic book
2000 A.D
Theres a headshot of the finest villain ever to stalk that comics pages, my all time favourite comic book monster... Torquemada.
And there are two pieces i did for a competition to design a villian for Judge Dredd having been a longtime fan of the bad guys i set about putting together something to rival "Call me Kenneth" "the Angel gang" and all the greats that Dredd fought over the years and came up with a robo merc called the Doberman who carries the remnants of Yakuza gang boss "Meat Takeshi" around in its chest cavity.
This gruesome twosome where meant to travel to Mega city one to exact bloody revenge on the megs criminals who had double crossed and tried to murder Meat.
I didnt win....Pisser!
Judge Dredd - A Better World
2 weeks ago
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