Another piece of shit week over and done with, and another example of why what George "Dubya" Bush described as "Free market capitalism" in a rambling and beatific speech to the Americian people last night, doesnt work.
I spent the afternoon talking to a work mate who'se cognitive function is seriously impaired by the job he has been stuck in for two decades.
But onto other things... i think i almost blinded myself last night "stipling" the art of building imagery on paper with black ink dots, H.P Lovecrafts old pal Virgil Finlay was a master of this particular practise as is Swamp thing artist Jon Totleben who if i understand correctly suffers poor eyesight.
the effect looks great but it fries the optic nerves...
Perhaps i should stick to wanking if i want to build wrist muscle and destroy my vision.
Judge Dredd - A Better World
2 weeks ago
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