Here we see Brunel and Stephenson visiting Charles Babbage and his difference engine.
Babbage wasnt just the Grandaddy of computing he was also a pioneer in the battle against noise pollution which led local organ grinders to gather outside his property with the express intention of pissing him off, hence the scene where he clouts that chappy round the head with part of his library.
Bottom panel features Stephenson trying out a remote viewing device.
Outstanding Brad.
I'm getting moist in that little boy spot,in anticipation on this being printed.
can't wait.
HA! HA! Thank you Gary!
Thats what im aiming for, loads of people losing thier loads over it!
I hope the finished product doesnt let you down!
This is gonna be so insane. I have no idea how you get so much detail in these pages. I worship at the temple of Indio
OUTSTANDING Bradders!!!!
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