Here is a sneaky peak at pages 1 & 2 of the first issue of Stephensons robot, all colouring done by young Dave West (he has many strings to his bow dontcherknow!)
We are going to tweak them once they are all done but I think they look pretty groovy already.
Issue one is finished and Im on the verge of completing the art for issue 2.
I'm really looking forward to seeing this little beauty.
Corkin art as always.
Cheers Gary thank you very much, Im a fan of your stuff, i think its manic!
You up for an S.R origin story in a future issue?
I certainly am. I'm gonna have a word with Dave about that very thing, this weekend at BICs.
He's shown me some more pages and all I could do was drool at the lovely art.
You is a genius, my man. Completely original and slightly bonkers, but an absolute corker of an artist.
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