Way back in 1998 I was introduced to a guy called Dave Notaro who was organizing a free A3 magazine which distributed via Sexshops would provide advertising space for Porn stars, Escorts and other assorted Adult industry services he wanted to fill the rest of it with articles, artwork and comic strips.
The venture was going to be called Fetish UK or FUK for short, it was going to be the British equivalent to Al GoldSteins SCREW magazine, I saw a mocked up copy and it looked amazing.
I was offered an A3 page in each monthly issue to do with as I liked, it sounded to good to be true... so I went away and came up with STRANGE ANGELS, it was going to be about an Alien Sex Fiend called Insanika who breaches our reality and takes over the Earth having all sorts of riotous sexual misadventures until her work here was done.
Part H.R Giger Wet dream, part Carry on film I forged ahead the one strict premise to make sure that although there was a storyline to follow each page featured was as demented as possible.
Unfortunately for reasons beyond Daves control FUK never saw the light of day so here for the first time are two of the three completed strips I completed for it, part 2 and the Millenium special.